Archive | January 2020

My Ultimate Cross Stitch Dream Completed: The Castle by Teresa Wentzler

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On July 20, 2019 I posted a picture of  my finished work on The Castle and promised I would post it again when it was framed and finished. Finally, after 7 months my mission is accomplished.

Normally my husband frames my work but this time we decided that my dragon needed a professional touch, since this was my ultimate cross-stitching dream. We found a great sale at JoAnn Fabrics and were thrilled with the results. They took the time to really help us find the perfect frame that reflected the fantasy/gothic style of Middle Earth with a mat to compliment and draw out the colors.

My ultimate goal has been reached. What’s next? Another Teresa Wentzler pattern, of course!

Without further ado, I give you….. The Castle!

The Castle 2

The Wife of Noble Character: The Gentle Life

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As Christian women we must come to fully understand that we are daughters of the one and only God of all creation. Each of us is without rival in the eyes of God. As our Father, He does not love us equally, He loves each and every one of us uniquely, for we were not created “en masse” but rather individually exactly as He wants us each to be. Unique is certainly better than equal! When I think of the fact that I am God’s daughter, unique and without rival, it takes my breath away! I hope it takes yours away too!

I first read Proverbs 31:10-31 as a young woman. It touched my heart and I knew that I wanted this to be a guiding light for my life as a woman and as a wife. It is the very Word of God and the perfect path for any woman. Some would say it is outdated, as it seems to focus on the domestic role of women, but if you read it carefully you will see that it encompasses every role that a woman may have, from wife, mother, artist, leader, and cultivator of nature,  to business woman and financier! That only makes sense because after all, we are each created uniquely with talents to offer this world to enrich the many lives we touch daily. For a beautiful rendition of Proverbs 31 check out Kim Hill’s amazing song Charm is Deceitful.

I found this pattern and fabric at The Plaid Sheep Company in Berlin, Ohio and fell in love with it. It is entitled The Gentle Life and can still be found on The Threads that Bind website. The background is a tea stained homespun fabric and the appliques are hand dyed wool.

Like most of my projects, it sat around awhile before I took the plunge and put it together. Then it sat around for a while before my husband and I decided how we wanted to display it. We realized that it didn’t really need a frame to embellish it, as its beauty lies in its simplicity and message. So here it is as it hangs on our family room wall.

The Gentle Life.jpg