Little Tease

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In the fall of 2015 I decided to look for a pattern I could cross stitch for Claire, our 6 year old granddaughter. I had done projects for our grandsons and now it was Claire’s turn. I had a pattern of a beautiful mare and her foal, but after consulting with Claire’s dad we decided that puppies and kitties were more her style. So, the hunt for the prefect pattern began.

I searched my extensive stash of magazines and books… nothing. I searched various online and local stitchery stores…. nothing. Finally I turned to good old Ebay. It took some work but I found the perfect pattern. To make it even better it was created by my favorite designer, Stoney Creek. I ordered it and it arrived within a week.

The pattern is entitled “Little Tease” and resides in Paws & Claws, Book 54 of the Stoney Creek Collection. The book was originally published in 1988 and is no longer in print but for any dog and cat lover, it is a must have. The framing of “Little Tease” by the Stoney Creek Collection was unique. The mat was cut to fit the picture perfectly with little dog prints in one corner.

It took about 3 months to finish this pattern. My goal was to mat it and frame it exactly like the picture in Paws & Claws, but no one I spoke to locally  felt they could do it justice, so I contacted Stoney Creek who put me in touch with their framer.

God bless Jeff the framer! He searched his archives and found the instructions for the mat that had been documented by a past framer. He then had me send him a photo copy of my actual piece so he could make the mat fit exactly. The result is breathtaking. We found a frame, Tom mounted the piece and when we added the mat and some paw prints the results were perfect. Many, many thanks to the wonderful folks at Stoney Creek for all their help and to Jeff for his quest to help me make this gift perfect.

Tonight we are planning on taking this to Claire. She has seen the finished work but has not yet seen it framed. Hope she likes it as much as we do!

Little Tease

Claire & Little Tease

2 thoughts on “Little Tease

  1. What a beautiful, loving gift. And when Claire grows up and is able to appreciate what you went through to make it “just right,” she will treasure it even more.

    I hope you have a camera ready to capture Claire’s reaction this evening.


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